CompleteDT: Point Cloud Completion with Dense Augment Inference Transformers


次に、トランスフォーマーに基づくDense Relation Augment Module(DRA)を提案して、\ textit {spots}内の機能を学習し、これらの\textit{spots}間の相関を検討します。
DRAは、Point Local-Attention Module(PLA)とPoint Dense Multi-Scale Attention Module(PDMA)で構成され、PLAは、ネイバーの重みを適応的に測定することによってローカルの\ textit {spots}内のローカル情報をキャプチャし、PDMAは
最後に、完全な形状は、マルチ解像度ポイントフュージョンモジュール(MPF)によって\ textit {spots}から予測されます。このモジュールは、\ textit {spots}から完全なポイントクラウドを徐々に生成し、これらの生成されたポイントに基づいて\textit{spots}を更新します。


Point cloud completion task aims to predict the missing part of incomplete point clouds and generate complete point clouds with details. In this paper, we propose a novel point cloud completion network, namely CompleteDT. Specifically, features are learned from point clouds with different resolutions, which is sampled from the incomplete input, and are converted to a series of \textit{spots} based on the geometrical structure. Then, the Dense Relation Augment Module (DRA) based on the transformer is proposed to learn features within \textit{spots} and consider the correlation among these \textit{spots}. The DRA consists of Point Local-Attention Module (PLA) and Point Dense Multi-Scale Attention Module (PDMA), where the PLA captures the local information within the local \textit{spots} by adaptively measuring weights of neighbors and the PDMA exploits the global relationship between these \textit{spots} in a multi-scale densely connected manner. Lastly, the complete shape is predicted from \textit{spots} by the Multi-resolution Point Fusion Module (MPF), which gradually generates complete point clouds from \textit{spots}, and updates \textit{spots} based on these generated point clouds. Experimental results show that, because the DRA based on the transformer can learn the expressive features from the incomplete input and the MPF can fully explore these feature to predict the complete input, our method largely outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.


著者 Jun Li,Shangwei Guo,Shaokun Han
発行日 2022-06-10 10:10:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク