A two-speed actuator for robotics with fast seamless gear shifting


提案されたアクチュエータは、差動装置に接続された 2 つの電気モーターで構成されます。
1 つは大きなギア比を持ち、もう 1 つはほぼダイレクトドライブでブレーキが装備されています。
高力モードでは、ブレーキがロックされ、1 つのモーターのみが使用され、アクチュエーターは通常の高度なギアを備えたサーボ モーターのように動作します。
結果は、概念実証用のリニア アクチュエータを使用して実証されます。


This paper present a novel dual-speed actuator adapted to robotics. In many applications, robots have to bear large loads while moving slowly and also have to move quickly through the air with almost no load. This lead to conflicting requirements for their actuators. Multiple gear ratios address this issue by allowing an effective use of power over a wide range of torque-speed load conditions. Furthermore, very different gear ratios also lead to drastic changes of the intrinsic impedance, enabling a non-back-drivable mode for stiff position control and a back-drivable mode for force control. The proposed actuator consists of two electric motors coupled to a differential; one has a large gear ratio while the other is almost direct-drive and equipped with a brake. During the high-force mode the brake is locked, only one motor is used, and the actuator behaves like a regular highly-geared servo-motor. During the high-speed mode the brake is open, both motor are used at the same time, and the actuator behaves like a direct drive motor. A dynamic model is developed and novel controllers are proposed for synergic use of both motors. The redundancy of motors is exploited for maintaining full control of the output during mode transitions, allowing for fast and seamless switching even when interacting with unknown environments. Results are demonstrated with a proof-of-concept linear actuator.


著者 Alexandre Girard,H. Harry Asada
発行日 2024-05-26 18:10:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク