Linguistic Structure from a Bottleneck on Sequential Information Processing


最も基本的には、信号が体系的であるということです。これは、信号を個別に意味のある構成要素 (大まかに単語) に分解し、それらが規則的な方法で結合されて文を形成できることを意味します。


Human language is a unique form of communication in the natural world, distinguished by its structured nature. Most fundamentally, it is systematic, meaning that signals can be broken down into component parts that are individually meaningful — roughly, words — which are combined in a regular way to form sentences. Furthermore, the way in which these parts are combined maintains a kind of locality: words are usually concatenated together, and they form contiguous phrases, keeping related parts of sentences close to each other. We address the challenge of understanding how these basic properties of language arise from broader principles of efficient communication under information processing constraints. Here we show that natural-language-like systematicity arises from minimization of excess entropy, a measure of statistical complexity that represents the minimum amount of information necessary for predicting the future of a sequence based on its past. In simulations, we show that codes that minimize excess entropy factorize their source distributions into approximately independent components, and then express those components systematically and locally. Next, in a series of massively cross-linguistic corpus studies, we show that human languages are structured to have low excess entropy at the level of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Our result suggests that human language performs a sequential generalization of Independent Components Analysis on the statistical distribution over meanings that need to be expressed. It establishes a link between the statistical and algebraic structure of human language, and reinforces the idea that the structure of human language may have evolved to minimize cognitive load while maximizing communicative expressiveness.


著者 Richard Futrell,Michael Hahn
発行日 2024-05-20 15:25:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.IT, math.IT パーマリンク