Improved classical shadows from local symmetries in the Schur basis


古典的なシャドウ タスクのサンプルの複雑さを研究します。あるクラスの観測対象に関する期待値を予測するために測定する必要がある、未知の状態のコピーの最小数はいくらですか?
特に、$\mathcal O(\sqrt{rB}/\epsilon^2)$ サンプルが十分であることを証明します。ここで、$r$ は状態のランク、$B$ はオブザーバブルの二乗フロベニウス ノルムの境界です。
$\epsilon$ は目標精度です。
独立して興味深い可能性のあるいくつかの中間結果を提示します。 同一でない入力状態の関数を捕捉する古典的なシャドウの新しい定式化に対する解決策。


We study the sample complexity of the classical shadows task: what is the fewest number of copies of an unknown state you need to measure to predict expected values with respect to some class of observables? Large joint measurements are likely required in order to minimize sample complexity, but previous joint measurement protocols only work when the unknown state is pure. We present the first joint measurement protocol for classical shadows whose sample complexity scales with the rank of the unknown state. In particular we prove $\mathcal O(\sqrt{rB}/\epsilon^2)$ samples suffice, where $r$ is the rank of the state, $B$ is a bound on the squared Frobenius norm of the observables, and $\epsilon$ is the target accuracy. In the low-rank regime, this is a nearly quadratic advantage over traditional approaches that use single-copy measurements. We present several intermediate results that may be of independent interest: a solution to a new formulation of classical shadows that captures functions of non-identical input states; a generalization of a “nice” Schur basis used for optimal qubit purification and quantum majority vote; and a measurement strategy that allows us to use local symmetries in the Schur basis to avoid intractable Weingarten calculations in the analysis.


著者 Daniel Grier,Sihan Liu,Gaurav Mahajan
発行日 2024-05-15 17:33:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.DS, cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT, quant-ph パーマリンク