ロボット学習に利用できるツールの多くは、ユークリッド データ用に設計されています。
これは、3 行 3 列の回転行列または四元数として表すことができ、その空間は非ユークリッド多様体です。
ロボット学習では、多様体値のデータは、多様体を埋め込むか、データを 1 つまたは複数の接空間に投影することによって、多様体を適切なユークリッド空間に関連付けることによって処理されることがよくあります。
ロボット工学アプリケーションで一般的に使用される 3 つの異なるタイプの多様体値データを使用してこれを実装します。
Many of the tools available for robot learning were designed for Euclidean data. However, many applications in robotics involve manifold-valued data. A common example is orientation; this can be represented as a 3-by-3 rotation matrix or a quaternion, the spaces of which are non-Euclidean manifolds. In robot learning, manifold-valued data are often handled by relating the manifold to a suitable Euclidean space, either by embedding the manifold or by projecting the data onto one or several tangent spaces. These approaches can result in poor predictive accuracy, and convoluted algorithms. In this paper, we propose an ‘intrinsic’ approach to regression that works directly within the manifold. It involves taking a suitable probability distribution on the manifold, letting its parameter be a function of a predictor variable, such as time, then estimating that function non-parametrically via a ‘local likelihood’ method that incorporates a kernel. We name the method kernelised likelihood estimation. The approach is conceptually simple, and generally applicable to different manifolds. We implement it with three different types of manifold-valued data that commonly appear in robotics applications. The results of these experiments show better predictive accuracy than projection-based algorithms.
著者 | P. C. Lopez-Custodio,K. Bharath,A. Kucukyilmaz,S. P. Preston |
発行日 | 2024-05-14 11:11:43+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google