Dynamic On-Palm Manipulation via Controlled Sliding


タスクのマルチモーダル計画の側面を処理するために、接触暗黙的 MPC の最新の手法を活用します。
MPC に使用される単純なモデルと低レベルの追跡コントローラーの間の統合を慎重に考慮して、接触暗黙的 MPC が動的タスクにどのように適応できるかを示します。
私たちの知る限り、これは 3 次元での動的操作タスクへの接触暗黙的 MPC の最初の適用です。


Non-prehensile manipulation enables fast interactions with objects by circumventing the need to grasp and ungrasp as well as handling objects that cannot be grasped through force closure. Current approaches to non-prehensile manipulation focus on static contacts, avoiding the underactuation that comes with sliding. However, the ability to control sliding contact, essentially removing the no-slip constraint, opens up new possibilities in dynamic manipulation. In this paper, we explore a challenging dynamic non-prehensile manipulation task that requires the consideration of the full spectrum of hybrid contact modes. We leverage recent methods in contact-implicit MPC to handle the multi-modal planning aspect of the task. We demonstrate, with careful consideration of integration between the simple model used for MPC and the low-level tracking controller, how contact-implicit MPC can be adapted to dynamic tasks. Surprisingly, despite the known inaccuracies of frictional rigid contact models, our method is able to react to these inaccuracies while still quickly performing the task. Moreover, we do not use common aids such as reference trajectories or motion primitives, highlighting the generality of our approach. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of contact-implicit MPC to a dynamic manipulation task in three dimensions.


著者 William Yang,Michael Posa
発行日 2024-05-14 16:16:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク