Aspect-oriented Consumer Health Answer Summarization


コミュニティ質問回答 (CQA) フォーラムは、人々が情報、特に医療ニーズに関連する情報を探す方法に革命をもたらし、一般の人々の集合知を信頼します。
ただし、1 つのクエリに対して複数の回答が返される可能性があるため、特定の健康上の懸念に関連する重要な情報を把握することが困難になります。
通常、CQA フォーラムでは、各クエリの代表的な概要として、投票数の多い 1 つの回答が取り上げられます。
私たちは、多段階のアノテーション ガイドラインを形式化し、側面に基づいて人間が書いた健康に関する回答の要約を含む独自のデータセットを提供します。
パイプラインは質問の類似性を利用して関連する回答文を取得し、その後それらを適切なアスペクト タイプに分類します。


Community Question-Answering (CQA) forums have revolutionized how people seek information, especially those related to their healthcare needs, placing their trust in the collective wisdom of the public. However, there can be several answers in response to a single query, which makes it hard to grasp the key information related to the specific health concern. Typically, CQA forums feature a single top-voted answer as a representative summary for each query. However, a single answer overlooks the alternative solutions and other information frequently offered in other responses. Our research focuses on aspect-based summarization of health answers to address this limitation. Summarization of responses under different aspects such as suggestions, information, personal experiences, and questions can enhance the usability of the platforms. We formalize a multi-stage annotation guideline and contribute a unique dataset comprising aspect-based human-written health answer summaries. We build an automated multi-faceted answer summarization pipeline with this dataset based on task-specific fine-tuning of several state-of-the-art models. The pipeline leverages question similarity to retrieve relevant answer sentences, subsequently classifying them into the appropriate aspect type. Following this, we employ several recent abstractive summarization models to generate aspect-based summaries. Finally, we present a comprehensive human analysis and find that our summaries rank high in capturing relevant content and a wide range of solutions.


著者 Rochana Chaturvedi,Abari Bhattacharya,Shweta Yadav
発行日 2024-05-10 07:52:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, I.2.7 パーマリンク