Individual Fairness under Varied Notions of Group Fairness in Bipartite Matching – One Framework to Approximate Them All


したがって、各項目がその上位の選択肢の 1 つに一致する「高い」確率を持つ「グループ公平」マッチングに対して、「確率的に個別に公平」な分布を求めます。
最初の結果は、個々の公平性制約がほぼ満たされ、マッチングの予想サイズが OPT に近くなるように、「グループ公平」マッチングにわたる分布を計算する多項式時間アルゴリズムです。
グループの公平性と個別の公平性のトレードオフのバランスをとるために、ユーザーが選択できる 2 つの追加の多項式時間二基準近似アルゴリズムを紹介します。
私たちのモデルを拡張すると、過小評価されたグループを拡大する「マックスミン グループの公平性」と、支配的なグループの代表を減らす「マインドム グループの公平性」が含まれます。


We study the probabilistic assignment of items to platforms that satisfies both group and individual fairness constraints. Each item belongs to specific groups and has a preference ordering over platforms. Each platform enforces group fairness by limiting the number of items per group that can be assigned to it. There could be multiple optimal solutions that satisfy the group fairness constraints, but this alone ignores item preferences. Our approach explores a `best of both worlds fairness’ solution to get a randomized matching, which is ex-ante individually fair and ex-post group-fair. Thus, we seek a `probabilistic individually fair’ distribution over `group-fair’ matchings where each item has a `high’ probability of matching to one of its top choices. This distribution is also ex-ante group-fair. Users can customize fairness constraints to suit their requirements. Our first result is a polynomial-time algorithm that computes a distribution over `group-fair’ matchings such that the individual fairness constraints are approximately satisfied and the expected size of a matching is close to OPT. We empirically test this on real-world datasets. We present two additional polynomial-time bi-criteria approximation algorithms that users can choose from to balance group fairness and individual fairness trade-offs. For disjoint groups, we provide an exact polynomial-time algorithm adaptable to additional lower `group fairness’ bounds. Extending our model, we encompass `maxmin group fairness,’ amplifying underrepresented groups, and `mindom group fairness,’ reducing the representation of dominant groups.’


著者 Atasi Panda,Anand Louis,Prajakta Nimbhorkar
発行日 2024-05-10 08:36:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.DS パーマリンク