Delve into Base-Novel Confusion: Redundancy Exploration for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning


少数ショットクラス増分学習 (FSCIL) は、基本クラスに関する情報を保持しながら、限られたサンプルを使用して新しいクラスから知識を取得することを目的としています。
この分析に基づいて、基本クラスと新規クラス間の衝突を軽減するために、冗長デカップリングと統合 (RDI) と呼ばれる FSCIL の手法を提案します。
RDI は、まず基本クラス空間から冗長性を切り離して、基本クラス内の機能空間を縮小します。
次に、冗長性をダミー クラスとして統合し、基底クラス間の特徴空間を拡大します。
CIFAR-100、miniImageNet、CUB-200-2011 などのベンチマーク データセットにわたる広範な実験により、私たちの手法が最先端のパフォーマンスを達成できることが実証されました。


Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to acquire knowledge from novel classes with limited samples while retaining information about base classes. Existing methods address catastrophic forgetting and overfitting by freezing the feature extractor during novel-class learning. However, these methods usually tend to cause the confusion between base and novel classes, i.e., classifying novel-class samples into base classes. In this paper, we delve into this phenomenon to study its cause and solution. We first interpret the confusion as the collision between the novel-class and the base-class region in the feature space. Then, we find the collision is caused by the label-irrelevant redundancies within the base-class feature and pixel space. Through qualitative and quantitative experiments, we identify this redundancy as the shortcut in the base-class training, which can be decoupled to alleviate the collision. Based on this analysis, to alleviate the collision between base and novel classes, we propose a method for FSCIL named Redundancy Decoupling and Integration (RDI). RDI first decouples redundancies from base-class space to shrink the intra-base-class feature space. Then, it integrates the redundancies as a dummy class to enlarge the inter-base-class feature space. This process effectively compresses the base-class feature space, creating buffer space for novel classes and alleviating the model’s confusion between the base and novel classes. Extensive experiments across benchmark datasets, including CIFAR-100, miniImageNet, and CUB-200-2011 demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.


著者 Haichen Zhou,Yixiong Zou,Ruixuan Li,Yuhua Li,Kui Xiao
発行日 2024-05-08 09:38:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク