DKINet: Medication Recommendation via Domain Knowledge Informed Deep Learning


これまでの研究は主に、電子医療記録 (EHR) から患者の表現を学習することに焦点を当てていました。
したがって、この論文では、最初に包括的な領域固有の事前知識、つまり知識抽出のための生物医学語彙と標準の包括的なリポジトリである統一医療言語システム (UMLS) を特定します。
3 つの公的ベンチマーク データセットに対する広範な実験により、私たちが提案した手法の優位性が検証され、他の手法を大幅に上回りました。
コードは から入手できます。


Medication recommendation is a fundamental yet crucial branch of healthcare that presents opportunities to assist physicians in making more accurate medication prescriptions for patients with complex health conditions. Previous studies have primarily focused on learning patient representation from electronic health records (EHR). While considering the clinical manifestations of the patient is important, incorporating domain-specific prior knowledge is equally significant in diagnosing the patient’s health conditions. However, effectively integrating domain knowledge with the patient’s clinical manifestations can be challenging, particularly when dealing with complex clinical manifestations. Therefore, in this paper, we first identify comprehensive domain-specific prior knowledge, namely the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), which is a comprehensive repository of biomedical vocabularies and standards, for knowledge extraction. Subsequently, we propose a knowledge injection module that addresses the effective integration of domain knowledge with complex clinical manifestations, enabling an effective characterization of the health conditions of the patient. Furthermore, considering the significant impact of a patient’s medication history on their current medication, we introduce a historical medication-aware patient representation module to capture the longitudinal influence of historical medication information on the representation of current patients. Extensive experiments on three publicly benchmark datasets verify the superiority of our proposed method, which outperformed other methods by a significant margin. The code is available at:


著者 Sicen Liu,Xiaolong Wang,Xianbing Zhao,Hao Chen
発行日 2024-05-08 12:49:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.IR, cs.LG パーマリンク