Robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection


この研究では、行列因数分解 (LE、LLE、HOPE、M-NMF など) とランダム ウォーク ベース (DeepWalk、LINE、node2vec など) の 2 つのファミリーの最先端のグラフ埋め込み手法を検討しています。
特に、node2vec と LLE は、度合いやコミュニティ サイズが異質なネットワークなど、さまざまなシナリオにわたってコミュニティ検出に対する高い堅牢性を一貫して示しています。


This study investigates the robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection in the face of network perturbations, specifically edge deletions. Graph embedding techniques, which represent nodes as low-dimensional vectors, are widely used for various graph machine learning tasks due to their ability to capture structural properties of networks effectively. However, the impact of perturbations on the performance of these methods remains relatively understudied. The research considers state-of-the-art graph embedding methods from two families: matrix factorization (e.g., LE, LLE, HOPE, M-NMF) and random walk-based (e.g., DeepWalk, LINE, node2vec). Through experiments conducted on both synthetic and real-world networks, the study reveals varying degrees of robustness within each family of graph embedding methods. The robustness is found to be influenced by factors such as network size, initial community partition strength, and the type of perturbation. Notably, node2vec and LLE consistently demonstrate higher robustness for community detection across different scenarios, including networks with degree and community size heterogeneity. These findings highlight the importance of selecting an appropriate graph embedding method based on the specific characteristics of the network and the task at hand, particularly in scenarios where robustness to perturbations is crucial.


著者 Zhi-Feng Wei,Pablo Moriano,Ramakrishnan Kannan
発行日 2024-05-01 17:04:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SI,, physics.soc-ph パーマリンク