People Attribute Purpose to Autonomous Vehicles When Explaining Their Behavior


これらの概念の関連性を理解することは、リソースと実行可能性を提供する優れた説明可能な AI (XAI) を構築するために重要です。
複雑な意思決定領域である自動運転に焦点を当て、(i) 14 の独自のシナリオ (N1=54) で人々が自動運転車の動作をどのように説明するか、および (ii) これらの説明をどのように認識するかに関する 2 つの調査からの実証データを報告します。
複雑さ、品質、信頼性の観点から (N2=356)。
まとめると、私たちの調査結果は、XAI の標準である、関係する因果メカニズムだけではなく、目的の観点から組み立てられた説明の重要性を強調しています。
14 のシナリオと 1,300 以上の引き出した説明を、Human Explains for Autonomous Driving Decisions (HEADD) データセットとして公開します。


Cognitive science can help us understand which explanations people might expect, and in which format they frame these explanations, whether causal, counterfactual, or teleological (i.e., purpose-oriented). Understanding the relevance of these concepts is crucial for building good explainable AI (XAI) which offers recourse and actionability. Focusing on autonomous driving, a complex decision-making domain, we report empirical data from two surveys on (i) how people explain the behavior of autonomous vehicles in 14 unique scenarios (N1=54), and (ii) how they perceive these explanations in terms of complexity, quality, and trustworthiness (N2=356). Participants deemed teleological explanations significantly better quality than counterfactual ones, with perceived teleology being the best predictor of perceived quality and trustworthiness. Neither the perceived teleology nor the quality were affected by whether the car was an autonomous vehicle or driven by a person. This indicates that people use teleology to evaluate information about not just other people but also autonomous vehicles. Taken together, our findings highlight the importance of explanations that are framed in terms of purpose rather than just, as is standard in XAI, the causal mechanisms involved. We release the 14 scenarios and more than 1,300 elicited explanations publicly as the Human Explanations for Autonomous Driving Decisions (HEADD) dataset.


著者 Balint Gyevnar,Stephanie Droop,Tadeg Quillien,Shay B. Cohen,Neil R. Bramley,Christopher G. Lucas,Stefano V. Albrecht
発行日 2024-04-30 17:43:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク