Privacy-Preserving Statistical Data Generation: Application to Sepsis Detection


生物医学分野は、患者情報の機密性を考慮すると、人工知能 (AI) の規制強化とデータ保護法の影響を最も受けている分野の 1 つです。
私たちは、実世界のコンテキスト内でカーネル密度推定器と K 最近傍サンプリング (KDE-KNN) によって生成された合成データの有用性とプライバシーへの影響を評価し、特に敗血症検出におけるアプリケーションに焦点を当てます。
さらに、現在の合成データ生成方法と比較した KDE-KNN の利点を強調します。


The biomedical field is among the sectors most impacted by the increasing regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data protection legislation, given the sensitivity of patient information. However, the rise of synthetic data generation methods offers a promising opportunity for data-driven technologies. In this study, we propose a statistical approach for synthetic data generation applicable in classification problems. We assess the utility and privacy implications of synthetic data generated by Kernel Density Estimator and K-Nearest Neighbors sampling (KDE-KNN) within a real-world context, specifically focusing on its application in sepsis detection. The detection of sepsis is a critical challenge in clinical practice due to its rapid progression and potentially life-threatening consequences. Moreover, we emphasize the benefits of KDE-KNN compared to current synthetic data generation methodologies. Additionally, our study examines the effects of incorporating synthetic data into model training procedures. This investigation provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of synthetic data generation techniques in mitigating regulatory constraints within the biomedical field.


著者 Eric Macias-Fassio,Aythami Morales,Cristina Pruenza,Julian Fierrez
発行日 2024-04-25 14:26:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.LG パーマリンク