LiMe: a Latin Corpus of Late Medieval Criminal Sentences


この論文では、LiMe データセットを紹介します。これは、Libri Sententiarum Potestatis Mediolani と呼ばれる一連の中世の写本から抽出され、マスクされた言語モデルおよび教師付き自然言語に使用できるように、専門家によって徹底的に注釈が付けられた 325 の文書のコーパスです。


The Latin language has received attention from the computational linguistics research community, which has built, over the years, several valuable resources, ranging from detailed annotated corpora to sophisticated tools for linguistic analysis. With the recent advent of large language models, researchers have also started developing models capable of generating vector representations of Latin texts. The performances of such models remain behind the ones for modern languages, given the disparity in available data. In this paper, we present the LiMe dataset, a corpus of 325 documents extracted from a series of medieval manuscripts called Libri sententiarum potestatis Mediolani, and thoroughly annotated by experts, in order to be employed for masked language model, as well as supervised natural language processing tasks.


著者 Alessandra Bassani,Beatrice Del Bo,Alfio Ferrara,Marta Mangini,Sergio Picascia,Ambra Stefanello
発行日 2024-04-19 12:06:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク