Eye-tracking in Mixed Reality for Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases


パーキンソン病は、世界で 2 番目に蔓延している神経変性疾患としてランクされています。
臨床的関連性 – パーキンソン病の発症を正確に検出するには、パーキンソン病の非侵襲性バイオマーカーの開発が緊急に必要です。
Mixed Reality メガネを使用した視線分析はワイヤレスで行われるため、家庭と病院の両方の環境での便利な評価が容易になります。


Parkinson’s disease ranks as the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder globally. This research aims to develop a system leveraging Mixed Reality capabilities for tracking and assessing eye movements. In this paper, we present a medical scenario and outline the development of an application designed to capture eye-tracking signals through Mixed Reality technology for the evaluation of neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, we introduce a pipeline for extracting clinically relevant features from eye-gaze analysis, describing the capabilities of the proposed system from a medical perspective. The study involved a cohort of healthy control individuals and patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, showcasing the feasibility and potential of the proposed technology for non-intrusive monitoring of eye movement patterns for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. Clinical relevance – Developing a non-invasive biomarker for Parkinson’s disease is urgently needed to accurately detect the disease’s onset. This would allow for the timely introduction of neuroprotective treatment at the earliest stage and enable the continuous monitoring of intervention outcomes. The ability to detect subtle changes in eye movements allows for early diagnosis, offering a critical window for intervention before more pronounced symptoms emerge. Eye tracking provides objective and quantifiable biomarkers, ensuring reliable assessments of disease progression and cognitive function. The eye gaze analysis using Mixed Reality glasses is wireless, facilitating convenient assessments in both home and hospital settings. The approach offers the advantage of utilizing hardware that requires no additional specialized attachments, enabling examinations through personal eyewear.


著者 Mateusz Daniol,Daria Hemmerling,Jakub Sikora,Pawel Jemiolo,Marek Wodzinski,Magdalena Wojcik-Pedziwiatr
発行日 2024-04-19 16:34:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク