Personalized Forgetting Mechanism with Concept-Driven Knowledge Tracing


ナレッジ トレーシング (KT) は、過去の学習データを分析し、将来の学習パフォーマンスを予測することで、学習プロセス全体を通じて生徒の知識状態の変化を追跡することを目的としています。
これらの問題に対処するために、知識概念間の階層関係を統合し、生徒の個人化された認知能力を組み込む、概念主導の個人化された忘却知識追跡モデル (CPF) を提案します。
3 つの公開データセットに関する広範な実験結果は、当社の CPF が生徒の成績の予測において現在の忘却曲線理論に基づく方法より優れていることを示し、CPF がパーソナライズされた忘却メカニズムを通じて生徒の知識状態の変化をより適切にシミュレートできることを実証しています。


Knowledge Tracing (KT) aims to trace changes in students’ knowledge states throughout their entire learning process by analyzing their historical learning data and predicting their future learning performance. Existing forgetting curve theory based knowledge tracing models only consider the general forgetting caused by time intervals, ignoring the individualization of students and the causal relationship of the forgetting process. To address these problems, we propose a Concept-driven Personalized Forgetting knowledge tracing model (CPF) which integrates hierarchical relationships between knowledge concepts and incorporates students’ personalized cognitive abilities. First, we integrate the students’ personalized capabilities into both the learning and forgetting processes to explicitly distinguish students’ individual learning gains and forgetting rates according to their cognitive abilities. Second, we take into account the hierarchical relationships between knowledge points and design a precursor-successor knowledge concept matrix to simulate the causal relationship in the forgetting process, while also integrating the potential impact of forgetting prior knowledge points on subsequent ones. The proposed personalized forgetting mechanism can not only be applied to the learning of specifc knowledge concepts but also the life-long learning process. Extensive experimental results on three public datasets show that our CPF outperforms current forgetting curve theory based methods in predicting student performance, demonstrating CPF can better simulate changes in students’ knowledge status through the personalized forgetting mechanism.


著者 Shanshan Wang,Ying Hu,Xun Yang,Zhongzhou Zhang,Keyang Wang,Xingyi Zhang
発行日 2024-04-18 12:28:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク