Privacy-Constrained Policies via Mutual Information Regularized Policy Gradients


我々は、機密状態とアクションの間の相互情報量 (MI) に基づく正則化子を導入することにより、ポリシー勾配フレームワークでこの問題を解決します。
また、メインの MI 正規化器の上限として機能し、モデルフリー設定で最適化できる代替の MI 正規化器と、微分可能なダイナミクスを持つ環境で使用できる強力な直接推定器についても説明します。
私たちは、差分プライベート RL における以前の研究を、情報開示の相互情報定式化と対比します。


As reinforcement learning techniques are increasingly applied to real-world decision problems, attention has turned to how these algorithms use potentially sensitive information. We consider the task of training a policy that maximizes reward while minimizing disclosure of certain sensitive state variables through the actions. We give examples of how this setting covers real-world problems in privacy for sequential decision-making. We solve this problem in the policy gradients framework by introducing a regularizer based on the mutual information (MI) between the sensitive state and the actions. We develop a model-based stochastic gradient estimator for optimization of privacy-constrained policies. We also discuss an alternative MI regularizer that serves as an upper bound to our main MI regularizer and can be optimized in a model-free setting, and a powerful direct estimator that can be used in an environment with differentiable dynamics. We contrast previous work in differentially-private RL to our mutual-information formulation of information disclosure. Experimental results show that our training method results in policies that hide the sensitive state, even in challenging high-dimensional tasks.


著者 Chris Cundy,Rishi Desai,Stefano Ermon
発行日 2024-04-16 17:27:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.LG パーマリンク