Towards Good Practices in Evaluating Transfer Adversarial Attacks


転送敵対的攻撃は、現実世界のブラックボックス シナリオで重大なセキュリティ上の懸念を引き起こします。
ただし、既存の評価には主に 2 つの制限があるため、実際の攻撃手法の進歩を評価することは困難です。
第 1 に、既存の評価は体系的ではなく、場合によっては不公平です。これは、新しい方法が、類似の方法との完全な比較なしに古い方法に直接追加されることが多いためです。
さらに、ImageNet 上の 9 つの防御に対して、23 の代表的な攻撃を総合的に評価します。
2) すべての転送攻撃はステルス性が低く、そのステルス性は同じ $L_{\infty}$ 境界の下で劇的に変化する可能性があります。


Transfer adversarial attacks raise critical security concerns in real-world, black-box scenarios. However, the actual progress of attack methods is difficult to assess due to two main limitations in existing evaluations. First, existing evaluations are unsystematic and sometimes unfair since new methods are often directly added to old ones without complete comparisons to similar methods. Second, existing evaluations mainly focus on transferability but overlook another key attack property: stealthiness. In this work, we design good practices to address these limitations. We first introduce a new attack categorization, which enables our systematic analyses of similar attacks in each specific category. Our analyses lead to new findings that complement or even challenge existing knowledge. Furthermore, we comprehensively evaluate 23 representative attacks against 9 defenses on ImageNet. We pay particular attention to stealthiness, by adopting diverse imperceptibility metrics and looking into new, finer-grained characteristics. Our evaluation reveals new important insights: 1) Transferability is highly contextual, and some white-box defenses may give a false sense of security since they are actually vulnerable to (black-box) transfer attacks; 2) All transfer attacks are less stealthy, and their stealthiness can vary dramatically under the same $L_{\infty}$ bound.


著者 Zhengyu Zhao,Hanwei Zhang,Renjue Li,Ronan Sicre,Laurent Amsaleg,Michael Backes
発行日 2022-11-17 14:40:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク