Data Science In Olfaction


この論文では、データ サイエンスと AI の観点から匂いを概念化し、匂い物質の特性と、鼻から脳に至る嗅覚系で匂いがどのように感知され分析されるかを関連付けます。
データの最初の使用例として、カルシウム イメージングを使用してマウスの嗅球に記録された匂いに対する神経反応の機械学習ベースの分類を使用した結果を紹介します。


Advances in neural sensing technology are making it possible to observe the olfactory process in great detail. In this paper, we conceptualize smell from a Data Science and AI perspective, that relates the properties of odorants to how they are sensed and analyzed in the olfactory system from the nose to the brain. Drawing distinctions to color vision, we argue that smell presents unique measurement challenges, including the complexity of stimuli, the high dimensionality of the sensory apparatus, as well as what constitutes ground truth. In the face of these challenges, we argue for the centrality of odorant-receptor interactions in developing a theory of olfaction. Such a theory is likely to find widespread industrial applications, and enhance our understanding of smell, and in the longer-term, how it relates to other senses and language. As an initial use case of the data, we present results using machine learning-based classification of neural responses to odors as they are recorded in the mouse olfactory bulb with calcium imaging.


著者 Vivek Agarwal,Joshua Harvey,Dmitry Rinberg,Vasant Dhar
発行日 2024-04-08 13:25:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, q-bio.NC パーマリンク