Derivative-free tree optimization for complex systems


従来の導関数を使用しない最適化手法は、目的関数に関する強い仮定に依存することが多く、そのため 100 次元を超える非凸システムの最適化に失敗します。
この開発は、次元的に困難な問題に効果的に対処し、最大 2,000 次元までのさまざまなベンチマーク関数にわたって大域最適への収束を達成し、既存の手法を 10 ~ 20 倍上回ります。


A tremendous range of design tasks in materials, physics, and biology can be formulated as finding the optimum of an objective function depending on many parameters without knowing its closed-form expression or the derivative. Traditional derivative-free optimization techniques often rely on strong assumptions about objective functions, thereby failing at optimizing non-convex systems beyond 100 dimensions. Here, we present a tree search method for derivative-free optimization that enables accelerated optimal design of high-dimensional complex systems. Specifically, we introduce stochastic tree expansion, dynamic upper confidence bound, and short-range backpropagation mechanism to evade local optimum, iteratively approximating the global optimum using machine learning models. This development effectively confronts the dimensionally challenging problems, achieving convergence to global optima across various benchmark functions up to 2,000 dimensions, surpassing the existing methods by 10- to 20-fold. Our method demonstrates wide applicability to a wide range of real-world complex systems spanning materials, physics, and biology, considerably outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms. This enables efficient autonomous knowledge discovery and facilitates self-driving virtual laboratories. Although we focus on problems within the realm of natural science, the advancements in optimization techniques achieved herein are applicable to a broader spectrum of challenges across all quantitative disciplines.


著者 Ye Wei,Bo Peng,Ruiwen Xie,Yangtao Chen,Yu Qin,Peng Wen,Stefan Bauer,Po-Yen Tung
発行日 2024-04-05 12:37:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク