Frame by Familiar Frame: Understanding Replication in Video Diffusion Models


ただし、ビデオ生成には、その高次元の性質、トレーニング データの不足、複雑な時空間関係が含まれるため、より大きな課題が生じます。
これらのモデルがトレーニング サンプルの要素を再現する例があり、サンプルの複製に関する懸念や法的紛争さえも引き起こされました。
ビデオ拡散モデルは、さらに制約されたデータセットで動作し、空間コンテンツと時間コンテンツの両方を生成する役割を担っており、トレーニング セットからサンプルを複製する傾向がより強い可能性があります。


Building on the momentum of image generation diffusion models, there is an increasing interest in video-based diffusion models. However, video generation poses greater challenges due to its higher-dimensional nature, the scarcity of training data, and the complex spatiotemporal relationships involved. Image generation models, due to their extensive data requirements, have already strained computational resources to their limits. There have been instances of these models reproducing elements from the training samples, leading to concerns and even legal disputes over sample replication. Video diffusion models, which operate with even more constrained datasets and are tasked with generating both spatial and temporal content, may be more prone to replicating samples from their training sets. Compounding the issue, these models are often evaluated using metrics that inadvertently reward replication. In our paper, we present a systematic investigation into the phenomenon of sample replication in video diffusion models. We scrutinize various recent diffusion models for video synthesis, assessing their tendency to replicate spatial and temporal content in both unconditional and conditional generation scenarios. Our study identifies strategies that are less likely to lead to replication. Furthermore, we propose new evaluation strategies that take replication into account, offering a more accurate measure of a model’s ability to generate the original content.


著者 Aimon Rahman,Malsha V. Perera,Vishal M. Patel
発行日 2024-03-28 17:15:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク