Conditional Wasserstein Distances with Applications in Bayesian OT Flow Matching


興味深いことに、条件付き Wasserstein-1 フローの二重定式化は、非常に自然な方法で条件付き Wasserstein GAN 文献の損失に似ています。
条件付きワッサーシュタイン距離の理論的特性を導出し、対応する測地線と速度場、および流れ ODE を特徴付けます。
続いて、条件付きの Wasserstein 距離を緩和することで速度場を近似することを提案します。
これに基づいて、ベイジアン逆問題を解くための OT フロー マッチングの拡張を提案し、逆問題とクラス条件付き画像生成におけるその数値的利点を実証します。


In inverse problems, many conditional generative models approximate the posterior measure by minimizing a distance between the joint measure and its learned approximation. While this approach also controls the distance between the posterior measures in the case of the Kullback–Leibler divergence, this is in general not hold true for the Wasserstein distance. In this paper, we introduce a conditional Wasserstein distance via a set of restricted couplings that equals the expected Wasserstein distance of the posteriors. Interestingly, the dual formulation of the conditional Wasserstein-1 flow resembles losses in the conditional Wasserstein GAN literature in a quite natural way. We derive theoretical properties of the conditional Wasserstein distance, characterize the corresponding geodesics and velocity fields as well as the flow ODEs. Subsequently, we propose to approximate the velocity fields by relaxing the conditional Wasserstein distance. Based on this, we propose an extension of OT Flow Matching for solving Bayesian inverse problems and demonstrate its numerical advantages on an inverse problem and class-conditional image generation.


著者 Jannis Chemseddine,Paul Hagemann,Christian Wald,Gabriele Steidl
発行日 2024-03-27 15:54:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク