Five-fingered Hand with Wide Range of Thumb Using Combination of Machined Springs and Variable Stiffness Joints




Human hands can not only grasp objects of various shape and size and manipulate them in hands but also exert such a large gripping force that they can support the body in the situations such as dangling a bar and climbing a ladder. On the other hand, it is difficult for most robot hands to manage both. Therefore in this paper we developed the hand which can grasp various objects and exert large gripping force. To develop such hand, we focused on the thumb CM joint with wide range of motion and the MP joints of four fingers with the DOF of abduction and adduction. Based on the hand with large gripping force and flexibility using machined spring, we applied above mentioned joint mechanism to the hand. The thumb CM joint has wide range of motion because of the combination of three machined springs and MP joints of four fingers have variable rigidity mechanism instead of driving each joint independently in order to move joint in limited space and by limited actuators. Using the developed hand, we achieved the grasping of various objects, supporting a large load and several motions with an arm.


著者 Shogo Makino,Kento Kawaharazuka,Ayaka Fujii,Masaya Kawamura,Tasuku Makabe,Moritaka Onitsuka,Yuki Asano,Kei Okada,Koji Kawasaki,Masayuki Inaba
発行日 2024-03-26 07:33:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク