Latent Field Discovery In Interacting Dynamical Systems With Neural Fields


これに対処するために、$\mathrm{SE}(n)$ 等変で相対状態に依存するローカルオブジェクトの相互作用を、絶対状態に依存する外部グローバル場の効果から解きほぐすことを提案します。
私たちは等変グラフ ネットワークとの相互作用をモデル化し、それらをフィールドの力を統合する新しいグラフ ネットワーク内のニューラル フィールドと組み合わせます。
私たちの実験は、荷電粒子の設定、交通シーン、重力 n 体問題の基礎となる場を正確に発見し、それらを効果的に使用してシステムを学習し、将来の軌道を予測できることを示しています。


Systems of interacting objects often evolve under the influence of field effects that govern their dynamics, yet previous works have abstracted away from such effects, and assume that systems evolve in a vacuum. In this work, we focus on discovering these fields, and infer them from the observed dynamics alone, without directly observing them. We theorize the presence of latent force fields, and propose neural fields to learn them. Since the observed dynamics constitute the net effect of local object interactions and global field effects, recently popularized equivariant networks are inapplicable, as they fail to capture global information. To address this, we propose to disentangle local object interactions — which are $\mathrm{SE}(n)$ equivariant and depend on relative states — from external global field effects — which depend on absolute states. We model interactions with equivariant graph networks, and combine them with neural fields in a novel graph network that integrates field forces. Our experiments show that we can accurately discover the underlying fields in charged particles settings, traffic scenes, and gravitational n-body problems, and effectively use them to learn the system and forecast future trajectories.


著者 Miltiadis Kofinas,Erik J. Bekkers,Naveen Shankar Nagaraja,Efstratios Gavves
発行日 2024-03-20 16:05:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク