Probabilistic Forecasting with Stochastic Interpolants and Föllmer Processes


このタスクを達成する確率微分方程式 (SDE) に入るドリフト係数が特異ではないこと、および時系列データに対する二乗損失回帰によって効率的に学習できることを証明します。
この SDE のドリフト係数と拡散係数はトレーニング後に調整できること、および推定誤差の影響を最小限に抑える特定の選択により F\’olmer プロセスが得られることを示します。
確率的に強制されたナビエ・ストークスや KTH および CLEVRER データセットでのビデオ予測など、いくつかの複雑な高次元の予測問題に対するアプローチの有用性を強調します。


We propose a framework for probabilistic forecasting of dynamical systems based on generative modeling. Given observations of the system state over time, we formulate the forecasting problem as sampling from the conditional distribution of the future system state given its current state. To this end, we leverage the framework of stochastic interpolants, which facilitates the construction of a generative model between an arbitrary base distribution and the target. We design a fictitious, non-physical stochastic dynamics that takes as initial condition the current system state and produces as output a sample from the target conditional distribution in finite time and without bias. This process therefore maps a point mass centered at the current state onto a probabilistic ensemble of forecasts. We prove that the drift coefficient entering the stochastic differential equation (SDE) achieving this task is non-singular, and that it can be learned efficiently by square loss regression over the time-series data. We show that the drift and the diffusion coefficients of this SDE can be adjusted after training, and that a specific choice that minimizes the impact of the estimation error gives a F\’ollmer process. We highlight the utility of our approach on several complex, high-dimensional forecasting problems, including stochastically forced Navier-Stokes and video prediction on the KTH and CLEVRER datasets.


著者 Yifan Chen,Mark Goldstein,Mengjian Hua,Michael S. Albergo,Nicholas M. Boffi,Eric Vanden-Eijnden
発行日 2024-03-20 16:33:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク