Generation is better than Modification: Combating High Class Homophily Variance in Graph Anomaly Detection


グラフベースの異常検出は、現在、グラフ ニューラル ネットワーク (GNN) の分野における重要な研究トピックです。
その影響を軽減するために、Homophily Edge Generation Graph Neural Network (HedGe) という名前の新しい GNN モデルを提案します。
HedGe は、セルフ アテンション メカニズムを使用して均一隣接行列をゼロからサンプリングし、特徴空間では関連するが元のグラフでは直接接続されていないノードを活用します。
広範な比較実験により、HedGe が異常検出やエッジレス ノード分類を含む複数のベンチマーク データセットにわたって最高のパフォーマンスを達成したことが実証されました。


Graph-based anomaly detection is currently an important research topic in the field of graph neural networks (GNNs). We find that in graph anomaly detection, the homophily distribution differences between different classes are significantly greater than those in homophilic and heterophilic graphs. For the first time, we introduce a new metric called Class Homophily Variance, which quantitatively describes this phenomenon. To mitigate its impact, we propose a novel GNN model named Homophily Edge Generation Graph Neural Network (HedGe). Previous works typically focused on pruning, selecting or connecting on original relationships, and we refer to these methods as modifications. Different from these works, our method emphasizes generating new relationships with low class homophily variance, using the original relationships as an auxiliary. HedGe samples homophily adjacency matrices from scratch using a self-attention mechanism, and leverages nodes that are relevant in the feature space but not directly connected in the original graph. Additionally, we modify the loss function to punish the generation of unnecessary heterophilic edges by the model. Extensive comparison experiments demonstrate that HedGe achieved the best performance across multiple benchmark datasets, including anomaly detection and edgeless node classification. The proposed model also improves the robustness under the novel Heterophily Attack with increased class homophily variance on other graph classification tasks.


著者 Rui Zhang,Dawei Cheng,Xin Liu,Jie Yang,Yi Ouyang,Xian Wu,Yefeng Zheng
発行日 2024-03-15 14:26:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク