A Big Data Approach to Understand Sub-national Determinants of FDI in Africa


汚職、貿易の開放、金融へのアクセス、政治的不安定など、さまざまなマクロ経済的および制度的要因が FDI 流入を妨げています。
このギャップを認識して、最近の研究の呼びかけでは、特に地域レベルでの FDI の決定要因を掘り下げる定性的データ分析の必要性が強調されています。


Various macroeconomic and institutional factors hinder FDI inflows, including corruption, trade openness, access to finance, and political instability. Existing research mostly focuses on country-level data, with limited exploration of firm-level data, especially in developing countries. Recognizing this gap, recent calls for research emphasize the need for qualitative data analysis to delve into FDI determinants, particularly at the regional level. This paper proposes a novel methodology, based on text mining and social network analysis, to get information from more than 167,000 online news articles to quantify regional-level (sub-national) attributes affecting FDI ownership in African companies. Our analysis extends information on obstacles to industrial development as mapped by the World Bank Enterprise Surveys. Findings suggest that regional (sub-national) structural and institutional characteristics can play an important role in determining foreign ownership.


著者 A. Fronzetti Colladon,R. Vestrelli,S. Bait,M. M. Schiraldi
発行日 2024-03-15 12:12:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, econ.EM, H.4.0, physics.soc-ph パーマリンク