The Impact of Explanations on Fairness in Human-AI Decision-Making: Protected vs Proxy Features


AI システムは、実世界のデータのバイアスを増幅することが知られています。
説明は、人間と AI のチームがこれらのバイアスに対処し、より公正な意思決定を行うのに役立つ可能性があります。
この研究では、保護された機能とプロキシ機能の存在が、モデルの公平性に対する参加者の認識と、AI 単独と比較して人口統計的同等性を向上させる能力に及ぼす影響を研究します。
私たちの調査結果が、人間と AI の公正な意思決定をサポートする説明を進めるためのさらなる研究に役立つことを願っています。


AI systems have been known to amplify biases in real-world data. Explanations may help human-AI teams address these biases for fairer decision-making. Typically, explanations focus on salient input features. If a model is biased against some protected group, explanations may include features that demonstrate this bias, but when biases are realized through proxy features, the relationship between this proxy feature and the protected one may be less clear to a human. In this work, we study the effect of the presence of protected and proxy features on participants’ perception of model fairness and their ability to improve demographic parity over an AI alone. Further, we examine how different treatments — explanations, model bias disclosure and proxy correlation disclosure — affect fairness perception and parity. We find that explanations help people detect direct but not indirect biases. Additionally, regardless of bias type, explanations tend to increase agreement with model biases. Disclosures can help mitigate this effect for indirect biases, improving both unfairness recognition and decision-making fairness. We hope that our findings can help guide further research into advancing explanations in support of fair human-AI decision-making.


著者 Navita Goyal,Connor Baumler,Tin Nguyen,Hal Daumé III
発行日 2024-03-14 17:12:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク