A Magnetic Millirobot Walks on Slippery Biological Surfaces for Targeted Cargo Delivery


さらに、人間スケールの空間内での無線作動を可能にする永久磁石のセットアップを開発しました。これにより、ミリロボットを正確に制御して、複雑な軌道をたどり、垂直の壁をよじ登り、自重の最大 4 倍の荷物を運ぶことができます。



Small-scale robots hold great potential for targeted cargo delivery in minimally-inv asive medicine. However, current robots often face challenges to locomote efficiently on slip pery biological tissue surfaces, especially when loaded with heavy cargos. Here, we report a magnetic millirobot that can walk on rough and slippery biological tissues by anchoring itself on the soft tissue surface alternatingly with two feet and reciprocally rotating the body to mov e forward. We experimentally studied the locomotion, validated it with numerical simulations and optimized the actuation parameters to fit various terrains and loading conditions. Further more, we developed a permanent magnet set-up to enable wireless actuation within a huma n-scale volume which allows precise control of the millirobot to follow complex trajectories, cl imb vertical walls, and carry cargo up to four times of its own weight. Upon reaching the targ et location, it performs a deployment sequence to release the liquid drug into tissues. The ro bust gait of our millirobot on rough biological terrains, combined with its heavy load capacity, make it a versatile and effective miniaturized vehicle for targeted cargo delivery.


著者 Moonkwang Jeong,Xiangzhou Tan,Felix Fischer,Tian Qiu
発行日 2024-03-07 13:09:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, J.3 パーマリンク