Planning Optimal Trajectories for Mobile Manipulators under End-effector Trajectory Continuity Constraint


ただし、モバイル ベースはシステムに冗長性ももたらすため、モバイル マニピュレータの動作計画がより困難になります。
私たちの方法は、問題を次のように分離します。(1) 幾何学的タスク制約、エンドエフェクター軌道連続性制約、衝突回避、およびベース速度制約に従って最適なベース軌道を計画する。
これにより、(2) マニピュレータの軌道が、取得されたベース軌道に基づいて後で計算されることが保証されます。


Mobile manipulators have been employed in many applications that are traditionally performed by either multiple fixed-base robots or a large robotic system. This capability is enabled by the mobility of the mobile base. However, the mobile base also brings redundancy to the system, which makes mobile manipulator motion planning more challenging. In this paper, we tackle the mobile manipulator motion planning problem under the end-effector trajectory continuity constraint in which the end-effector is required to traverse a continuous task-space trajectory (time-parametrized path), such as in mobile printing or spraying applications. Our method decouples the problem into: (1) planning an optimal base trajectory subject to geometric task constraints, end-effector trajectory continuity constraint, collision avoidance, and base velocity constraint; which ensures that (2) a manipulator trajectory is computed subsequently based on the obtained base trajectory. To validate our method, we propose a discrete optimal base trajectory planning algorithm to solve several mobile printing tasks in hardware experiment and simulations.


著者 Quang-Nam Nguyen,Quang-Cuong Pham
発行日 2024-03-06 15:09:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク