Citizen Science and Machine Learning for Research and Nature Conservation: The Case of Eurasian Lynx, Free-ranging Rodents and Insects


ヨーロッパオオヤマネコ (オオヤマネコ) などの絶滅危惧種は、自動写真トラップのネットワークによって監視されています。
データのラベル付けを手伝ってくれるボランティアの市民科学者に支援を求めることが 1 つの機会ですが、彼らの関心を維持するのは困難です。
もう 1 つの方法は、畳み込みニューラル ネットワークを使用した画像認識によるプロセスを自動化することです。


Technology is increasingly used in Nature Reserves and National Parks around the world to support conservation efforts. Endangered species, such as the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx), are monitored by a network of automatic photo traps. Yet, this method produces vast amounts of data, which needs to be prepared, analyzed and interpreted. Therefore, researchers working in this area increasingly need support to process this incoming information. One opportunity is to seek support from volunteer Citizen Scientists who can help label the data, however, it is challenging to retain their interest. Another way is to automate the process with image recognition using convolutional neural networks. During the panel, we will discuss considerations related to nature research and conservation as well as opportunities for the use of Citizen Science and Machine Learning to expedite the process of data preparation, labelling and analysis.


著者 Kinga Skorupska,Rafał Stryjek,Izabela Wierzbowska,Piotr Bebas,Maciej Grzeszczuk,Piotr Gago,Jarosław Kowalski,Maciej Krzywicki,Jagoda Lazarek,Wiesław Kopeć
発行日 2024-03-05 12:13:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.CY, cs.HC, cs.LG パーマリンク