Understanding the Unforeseen via the Intentional Stance


私たちのアプローチの 2 つの主な特徴は、不測の経験を理解するための主要な計算メカニズムの 1 つとして、デネットの意図的なスタンスと類推的推論を採用することです。
分類に対する行動説明の重要な利点は、i) 推論に基づいて適切な応答を行う能力、および ii) 仮定された説明の検証を可能にする重要な予測を行う能力です。


We present an architecture and system for understanding novel behaviors of an observed agent. The two main features of our approach are the adoption of Dennett’s intentional stance and analogical reasoning as one of the main computational mechanisms for understanding unforeseen experiences. Our approach uses analogy with past experiences to construct hypothetical rationales that explain the behavior of an observed agent. Moreover, we view analogies as partial; thus multiple past experiences can be blended to analogically explain an unforeseen event, leading to greater inferential flexibility. We argue that this approach results in more meaningful explanations of observed behavior than approaches based on surface-level comparisons. A key advantage of behavior explanation over classification is the ability to i) take appropriate responses based on reasoning and ii) make non-trivial predictions that allow for the verification of the hypothesized explanation. We provide a simple use case to demonstrate novel experience understanding through analogy in a gas station environment.


著者 Stephanie Stacy,Alfredo Gabaldon,John Karigiannis,James Kubrich,Peter Tu
発行日 2022-11-01 14:14:14+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, I.2.10 パーマリンク