Enhanced Robust Motion Control based on Unknown System Dynamics Estimator for Robot Manipulators


どちらのコントローラーにも、加速度信号や慣性行列の逆行列を必要とせずに外乱を推定する未知のシステム ダイナミクス推定器 (USDE) が組み込まれています。
制御信号の境界性と閉ループシステムの安定性を理論的に解析し、7 自由度 (DoF) のロボットマニピュレータで実際のハードウェア実験を行います。


To achieve high-accuracy manipulation in the presence of unknown disturbances, we propose two novel efficient and robust motion control schemes for high-dimensional robot manipulators. Both controllers incorporate an unknown system dynamics estimator (USDE) to estimate disturbances without requiring acceleration signals and the inverse of inertia matrix. Then, based on the USDE framework, an adaptive-gain controller and a super-twisting sliding mode controller are designed to speed up the convergence of tracking errors and strengthen anti-perturbation ability. The former aims to enhance feedback portions through error-driven control gains, while the latter exploits finite-time convergence of discontinuous switching terms. We analyze the boundedness of control signals and the stability of the closed-loop system in theory, and conduct real hardware experiments on a robot manipulator with seven degrees of freedom (DoF). Experimental results verify the effectiveness and improved performance of the proposed controllers, and also show the feasibility of implementation on high-dimensional robots.


著者 Xinyu Jia,Jun Yang,Kaixin Lu,Yongping Pan,Haoyong Yu
発行日 2024-02-24 01:56:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク