Intelligent Known and Novel Aircraft Recognition — A Shift from Classification to Similarity Learning for Combat Identification


この研究は、斬新でスケーラブルな AI 主導のソリューションでこの問題に対処します。
以前の航空機画像分類手法との比較分析により、私たちのアプローチが航空機画像分類(F1 スコア航空機タイプ 0.861)に有効であり、新しいタイプの識別の定量化(F1 スコア Bipartitioning 0.936)に先駆的であることが示されています。
提案された方法論は、リモート センシング データに固有の課題に効果的に対処し、それによってデータセットの品質における新しい基準を設定します。


Precise aircraft recognition in low-resolution remote sensing imagery is a challenging yet crucial task in aviation, especially combat identification. This research addresses this problem with a novel, scalable, and AI-driven solution. The primary hurdle in combat identification in remote sensing imagery is the accurate recognition of Novel/Unknown types of aircraft in addition to Known types. Traditional methods, human expert-driven combat identification and image classification, fall short in identifying Novel classes. Our methodology employs similarity learning to discern features of a broad spectrum of military and civilian aircraft. It discerns both Known and Novel aircraft types, leveraging metric learning for the identification and supervised few-shot learning for aircraft type classification. To counter the challenge of limited low-resolution remote sensing data, we propose an end-to-end framework that adapts to the diverse and versatile process of military aircraft recognition by training a generalized embedder in fully supervised manner. Comparative analysis with earlier aircraft image classification methods shows that our approach is effective for aircraft image classification (F1-score Aircraft Type of 0.861) and pioneering for quantifying the identification of Novel types (F1-score Bipartitioning of 0.936). The proposed methodology effectively addresses inherent challenges in remote sensing data, thereby setting new standards in dataset quality. The research opens new avenues for domain experts and demonstrates unique capabilities in distinguishing various aircraft types, contributing to a more robust, domain-adapted potential for real-time aircraft recognition.


著者 Ahmad Saeed,Haasha Bin Atif,Usman Habib,Mohsin Bilal
発行日 2024-02-26 11:08:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク