On normalization-equivariance properties of supervised and unsupervised denoising methods: a survey


画像のノイズ除去は、おそらく画像処理において最も古く、現在でも最も活発な研究トピックの 1 つです。
過去数十年の間に多くの方法論的概念が導入され、近年、特に畳み込みニューラル ネットワークと教師あり深層学習の出現により、パフォーマンスが大幅に向上しました。


Image denoising is probably the oldest and still one of the most active research topic in image processing. Many methodological concepts have been introduced in the past decades and have improved performances significantly in recent years, especially with the emergence of convolutional neural networks and supervised deep learning. In this paper, we propose a survey of guided tour of supervised and unsupervised learning methods for image denoising, classifying the main principles elaborated during this evolution, with a particular concern given to recent developments in supervised learning. It is conceived as a tutorial organizing in a comprehensive framework current approaches. We give insights on the rationales and limitations of the most performant methods in the literature, and we highlight the common features between many of them. Finally, we focus on on the normalization equivariance properties that is surprisingly not guaranteed with most of supervised methods. It is of paramount importance that intensity shifting or scaling applied to the input image results in a corresponding change in the denoiser output.


著者 Sébastien Herbreteau,Charles Kervrann
発行日 2024-02-23 14:39:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク