When Only Time Will Tell: Interpreting How Transformers Process Local Ambiguities Through the Lens of Restart-Incrementality


一度に 1 トークンずつ文を処理する増分モデルでは、複数の解釈が可能な箇所に遭遇することがあります。
因果モデルは 1 つの解釈を出力して続行することを強制されますが、修正可能なモデルは曖昧さが解決されるにつれて以前の出力を編集できます。


Incremental models that process sentences one token at a time will sometimes encounter points where more than one interpretation is possible. Causal models are forced to output one interpretation and continue, whereas models that can revise may edit their previous output as the ambiguity is resolved. In this work, we look at how restart-incremental Transformers build and update internal states, in an effort to shed light on what processes cause revisions not viable in autoregressive models. We propose an interpretable way to analyse the incremental states, showing that their sequential structure encodes information on the garden path effect and its resolution. Our method brings insights on various bidirectional encoders for contextualised meaning representation and dependency parsing, contributing to show their advantage over causal models when it comes to revisions.


著者 Brielen Madureira,Patrick Kahardipraja,David Schlangen
発行日 2024-02-20 16:09:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク