Privacy-Preserving Language Model Inference with Instance Obfuscation


Language Models as a Service (LMaaS) は、開発者や研究者が事前にトレーニングされた言語モデルを使用して推論を実行するための便利なアクセスを提供します。

LMaaS のブラックボックス方式を維持するために、プロセスがモデルに対してシームレスであり、限られた通信と計算のオーバーヘッドを伴う必要があるため、データ プライバシー保護の実行、特に意思決定は困難な作業です。
そこで、我々は、ライフサイクル全体における自然言語理解タスクの意思決定プライバシー問題に対処することに焦点を当てた、インスタンス難読化推論 (IOI) 手法を提案します。


Language Models as a Service (LMaaS) offers convenient access for developers and researchers to perform inference using pre-trained language models. Nonetheless, the input data and the inference results containing private information are exposed as plaintext during the service call, leading to privacy issues. Recent studies have started tackling the privacy issue by transforming input data into privacy-preserving representation from the user-end with the techniques such as noise addition and content perturbation, while the exploration of inference result protection, namely decision privacy, is still a blank page. In order to maintain the black-box manner of LMaaS, conducting data privacy protection, especially for the decision, is a challenging task because the process has to be seamless to the models and accompanied by limited communication and computation overhead. We thus propose Instance-Obfuscated Inference (IOI) method, which focuses on addressing the decision privacy issue of natural language understanding tasks in their complete life-cycle. Besides, we conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate the performance as well as the privacy-protection strength of the proposed method on various benchmarking tasks.


著者 Yixiang Yao,Fei Wang,Srivatsan Ravi,Muhao Chen
発行日 2024-02-13 05:36:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク