Learn to Teach: Improve Sample Efficiency in Teacher-student Learning for Sim-to-Real Transfer


トレーニング中にランダム化を追加するドメイン ランダム化は、シミュレーションと実際のギャップに効果的に対処する強力な手法です。
この研究では、教師エージェントによって収集された経験を再利用する、Learn to Teach (L2T) と呼ばれる効率的な学習フレームワークのサンプルを提案することで、教師と生徒の学習パラダイムを拡張します。
シングルループ アルゴリズムが、強化学習と逆強化学習の両方のコンテキストの下で教師エージェントと学生エージェントの両方をトレーニングできることを示します。
私たちはメソッドの変形を実装し、MuJoCo ベンチマークで実験を実施し、私たちのメソッドを Cassie ロボットの移動問題に適用します。


Simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) transfer is a fundamental problem for robot learning. Domain Randomization, which adds randomization during training, is a powerful technique that effectively addresses the sim-to-real gap. However, the noise in observations makes learning significantly harder. Recently, studies have shown that employing a teacher-student learning paradigm can accelerate training in randomized environments. Learned with privileged information, a teacher agent can instruct the student agent to operate in noisy environments. However, this approach is often not sample efficient as the experience collected by the teacher is discarded completely when training the student, wasting information revealed by the environment. In this work, we extend the teacher-student learning paradigm by proposing a sample efficient learning framework termed Learn to Teach (L2T) that recycles experience collected by the teacher agent. We observe that the dynamics of the environments for both agents remain unchanged, and the state space of the teacher is coupled with the observation space of the student. We show that a single-loop algorithm can train both the teacher and student agents under both Reinforcement Learning and Inverse Reinforcement Learning contexts. We implement variants of our methods, conduct experiments on the MuJoCo benchmark, and apply our methods to the Cassie robot locomotion problem. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves competitive performance while only requiring environmental interaction with the teacher.


著者 Feiyang Wu,Zhaoyuan Gu,Ye Zhao,Anqi Wu
発行日 2024-02-09 21:16:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク