On the Detection of Reviewer-Author Collusion Rings From Paper Bidding


コンピュータ サイエンス会議の査読システムに対する大きな脅威は、査読者間の「共謀の輪」の存在です。
この重要な問題を解決するための 1 つの潜在的なアプローチは、操作された入札から共謀している査読者を検出し、その後カンファレンスが適切な措置を講じることです。
この質問に答えるために、他のアプリケーションでの不正検出のための既存のアルゴリズムの評価を含む、2 つの現実的な会議入札データセットの実証分析を実行します。
私たちは、共謀リングが検出から隠れたまま論文の割り当てを操作することにかなりの成功を収めることができることを発見しました。たとえば、あるデータセットでは、検出されなかった共謀者が、他の共謀者が執筆した論文の最大 30% への割り当てを達成できます。
さらに、10 人の共謀者が互いの論文すべてに入札した場合、真の共謀者と 31% 以上重複する査読者のグループを出力する検出アルゴリズムはありません。


A major threat to the peer-review systems of computer science conferences is the existence of ‘collusion rings’ between reviewers. In such collusion rings, reviewers who have also submitted their own papers to the conference work together to manipulate the conference’s paper assignment, with the aim of being assigned to review each other’s papers. The most straightforward way that colluding reviewers can manipulate the paper assignment is by indicating their interest in each other’s papers through strategic paper bidding. One potential approach to solve this important problem would be to detect the colluding reviewers from their manipulated bids, after which the conference can take appropriate action. While prior work has has developed effective techniques to detect other kinds of fraud, no research has yet established that detecting collusion rings is even possible. In this work, we tackle the question of whether it is feasible to detect collusion rings from the paper bidding. To answer this question, we conduct empirical analysis of two realistic conference bidding datasets, including evaluations of existing algorithms for fraud detection in other applications. We find that collusion rings can achieve considerable success at manipulating the paper assignment while remaining hidden from detection: for example, in one dataset, undetected colluders are able to achieve assignment to up to 30% of the papers authored by other colluders. In addition, when 10 colluders bid on all of each other’s papers, no detection algorithm outputs a group of reviewers with more than 31% overlap with the true colluders. These results suggest that collusion cannot be effectively detected from the bidding, demonstrating the need to develop more complex detection algorithms that leverage additional metadata.


著者 Steven Jecmen,Nihar B. Shah,Fei Fang,Leman Akoglu
発行日 2024-02-12 18:12:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT, cs.SI パーマリンク