Learning Communication Policies for Different Follower Behaviors in a Collaborative Reference Game


Albrecht and Stone (2018) は、変化する行動のモデリングは「他のエージェントが行うことの本質的に制約を受けない性質のため」依然として未解決の問題であると述べています。
私たちは、この言語のグラウンディングと調整タスクを強化学習の問題として組み立て、一般的な強化トレーニング アルゴリズム (PPO) が、言語の次元に沿って変化するさまざまなヒューリスティックなフォロワーの動作で適切に機能するニューラル エージェント (ガイド) をどの程度生成できるかを測定します。


Albrecht and Stone (2018) state that modeling of changing behaviors remains an open problem ‘due to the essentially unconstrained nature of what other agents may do’. In this work we evaluate the adaptability of neural artificial agents towards assumed partner behaviors in a collaborative reference game. In this game success is achieved when a knowledgeable Guide can verbally lead a Follower to the selection of a specific puzzle piece among several distractors. We frame this language grounding and coordination task as a reinforcement learning problem and measure to which extent a common reinforcement training algorithm (PPO) is able to produce neural agents (the Guides) that perform well with various heuristic Follower behaviors that vary along the dimensions of confidence and autonomy. We experiment with a learning signal that in addition to the goal condition also respects an assumed communicative effort. Our results indicate that this novel ingredient leads to communicative strategies that are less verbose (staying silent in some of the steps) and that with respect to that the Guide’s strategies indeed adapt to the partner’s level of confidence and autonomy.


著者 Philipp Sadler,Sherzod Hakimov,David Schlangen
発行日 2024-02-07 13:22:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク