A simple, strong baseline for building damage detection on the xBD dataset


私たちは、xView2 コンテストで優勝した高度に設計されたソリューションから始めて、徐々にコンポーネントを取り除いていくことで、建物の損傷を検出するための強力なベースライン手法を構築します。
次に、競争の設定とは逆に、トレーニング中にテストの場所が表示されないように、xView2 データセットの分割を再配置します。
ベースライン モデルを含むコードは、https://github.com/PaulBorneP/Xview2_Strong_Baseline から入手できます。


We construct a strong baseline method for building damage detection by starting with the highly-engineered winning solution of the xView2 competition, and gradually stripping away components. This way, we obtain a much simpler method, while retaining adequate performance. We expect the simplified solution to be more widely and easily applicable. This expectation is based on the reduced complexity, as well as the fact that we choose hyperparameters based on simple heuristics, that transfer to other datasets. We then re-arrange the xView2 dataset splits such that the test locations are not seen during training, contrary to the competition setup. In this setting, we find that both the complex and the simplified model fail to generalize to unseen locations. Analyzing the dataset indicates that this failure to generalize is not only a model-based problem, but that the difficulty might also be influenced by the unequal class distributions between events. Code, including the baseline model, is available under https://github.com/PaulBorneP/Xview2_Strong_Baseline


著者 Sebastian Gerard,Paul Borne-Pons,Josephine Sullivan
発行日 2024-01-30 18:59:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク