Unsupervised Learning of Graph from Recipes


料理レシピは、最も簡単に入手できる種類の手順書テキストの 1 つです。
グラフをテキストにデコードする(グラフからテキスト)ことで監視を提供しながら、グラフの構造と $\mathsf{GNN}$ のテキストをエンコード (テキストからグラフへ) するパラメータを一度に 1 シーケンスずつ繰り返し学習します。


Cooking recipes are one of the most readily available kinds of procedural text. They consist of natural language instructions that can be challenging to interpret. In this paper, we propose a model to identify relevant information from recipes and generate a graph to represent the sequence of actions in the recipe. In contrast with other approaches, we use an unsupervised approach. We iteratively learn the graph structure and the parameters of a $\mathsf{GNN}$ encoding the texts (text-to-graph) one sequence at a time while providing the supervision by decoding the graph into text (graph-to-text) and comparing the generated text to the input. We evaluate the approach by comparing the identified entities with annotated datasets, comparing the difference between the input and output texts, and comparing our generated graphs with those generated by state of the art methods.


著者 Aissatou Diallo,Antonis Bikakis,Luke Dickens,Anthony Hunter,Rob Miller
発行日 2024-01-22 16:25:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク