Robustness to distribution shifts of compressed networks for edge devices


限られた計算リソースでエッジ デバイスに展開される効率的な DNN を開発する必要があります。
ただし、圧縮されたネットワークは、元のネットワークがトレーニングされるソース ドメインとは異なるターゲット ドメインで新しいタスクを実行することがよくあります。
ドメイン シフトと敵対的摂動という 2 種類のデータ分散シフトにおける圧縮ネットワークの堅牢性を調査することが重要です。


It is necessary to develop efficient DNNs deployed on edge devices with limited computation resources. However, the compressed networks often execute new tasks in the target domain, which is different from the source domain where the original network is trained. It is important to investigate the robustness of compressed networks in two types of data distribution shifts: domain shifts and adversarial perturbations. In this study, we discover that compressed models are less robust to distribution shifts than their original networks. Interestingly, larger networks are more vulnerable to losing robustness than smaller ones, even when they are compressed to a similar size as the smaller networks. Furthermore, compact networks obtained by knowledge distillation are much more robust to distribution shifts than pruned networks. Finally, post-training quantization is a reliable method for achieving significant robustness to distribution shifts, and it outperforms both pruned and distilled models in terms of robustness.


著者 Lulan Shen,Ali Edalati,Brett Meyer,Warren Gross,James J. Clark
発行日 2024-01-22 15:00:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク