WindSeer: Real-time volumetric wind prediction over complex terrain aboard a small UAV


私たちは、数値流体力学シミュレーションからの合成データのみを使用してニューラル ネットワーク WindSeer をトレーニングし、わずか数個のノイズが多く空間的にクラスター化された風の測定値から、既知の地形を持つ地形上の実際の風場を首尾よく予測できることを示します。
WindSeer は、再トレーニングすることなく、これまで見えなかった地形上でさまざまな解像度とドメイン サイズで正確な予測を生成できます。


Real-time high-resolution wind predictions are beneficial for various applications including safe manned and unmanned aviation. Current weather models require too much compute and lack the necessary predictive capabilities as they are valid only at the scale of multiple kilometers and hours – much lower spatial and temporal resolutions than these applications require. Our work, for the first time, demonstrates the ability to predict low-altitude wind in real-time on limited-compute devices, from only sparse measurement data. We train a neural network, WindSeer, using only synthetic data from computational fluid dynamics simulations and show that it can successfully predict real wind fields over terrain with known topography from just a few noisy and spatially clustered wind measurements. WindSeer can generate accurate predictions at different resolutions and domain sizes on previously unseen topography without retraining. We demonstrate that the model successfully predicts historical wind data collected by weather stations and wind measured onboard drones.


著者 Florian Achermann,Thomas Stastny,Bogdan Danciu,Andrey Kolobov,Jen Jen Chung,Roland Siegwart,Nicholas Lawrance
発行日 2024-01-18 12:46:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク