Safe Mission-Level Path Planning for Exploration of Lunar Shadowed Regions by a Solar-Powered Rover


太陽エネルギーを動力とする探査車による月の南極の探査は、非常に動的な太陽照度条件と永久影領域 (PSR) の存在により困難を伴います。
この論文では、ランダムな故障の影響を受ける太陽光発電探査機による PSR の探査のための、確率に制約されたミッションレベルの計画問題を定式化します。
アルゴリズムを経験的に検証するために、カベウス クレーターの軌道地形と照明マップを使用してミッション シナリオをシミュレートします。
LCROSS 衝突地域での数日間にわたる長距離ドライブのシミュレーション結果も示されています。


Exploration of the lunar south pole with a solar-powered rover is challenging due to the highly dynamic solar illumination conditions and the presence of permanently shadowed regions (PSRs). In turn, careful planning in space and time is essential. Mission-level path planning is a global, spatiotemporal paradigm that addresses this challenge, taking into account rover resources and mission requirements. However, existing approaches do not proactively account for random disturbances, such as recurring faults, that may temporarily delay rover traverse progress. In this paper, we formulate a chance-constrained mission-level planning problem for the exploration of PSRs by a solar-powered rover affected by random faults. The objective is to find a policy that visits as many waypoints of scientific interest as possible while respecting an upper bound on the probability of mission failure. Our approach assumes that faults occur randomly, but at a known, constant average rate. Each fault is resolved within a fixed time, simulating the recovery period of an autonomous system or the time required for a team of human operators to intervene. Unlike solutions based upon dynamic programming alone, our method breaks the chance-constrained optimization problem into smaller offline and online subtasks to make the problem computationally tractable. Specifically, our solution combines existing mission-level path planning techniques with a stochastic reachability analysis component. We find mission plans that remain within reach of safety throughout large state spaces. To empirically validate our algorithm, we simulate mission scenarios using orbital terrain and illumination maps of Cabeus Crater. Results from simulations of multi-day, long-range drives in the LCROSS impact region are also presented.


著者 Olivier Lamarre,Shantanu Malhotra,Jonathan Kelly
発行日 2024-01-16 18:38:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク