Online Stability Improvement of Groebner Basis Solvers using Deep Learning


過去 10 年間にわたり、Gr\’obner 基底理論と自動ソルバー生成により、幾何学的な視覚問題に対する多数の解決策が導かれてきました。
実際にはすべてのケースで、派生ソルバーは固定消去テンプレートを適用して Gr’obner 基底を計算し、それによって元の多項式制約の 0 次元の多様性を識別します。
この論文には 2 つの寄稿があります。


Over the past decade, the Gr\’obner basis theory and automatic solver generation have lead to a large number of solutions to geometric vision problems. In practically all cases, the derived solvers apply a fixed elimination template to calculate the Gr\’obner basis and thereby identify the zero-dimensional variety of the original polynomial constraints. However, it is clear that different variable or monomial orderings lead to different elimination templates, and we show that they may present a large variability in accuracy for a certain instance of a problem. The present paper has two contributions. We first show that for a common class of problems in geometric vision, variable reordering simply translates into a permutation of the columns of the initial coefficient matrix, and that — as a result — one and the same elimination template can be reused in different ways, each one leading to potentially different accuracy. We then prove that the original set of coefficients may contain sufficient information to train a classifier for online selection of a good solver, most notably at the cost of only a small computational overhead. We demonstrate wide applicability at the hand of generic dense polynomial problem solvers, as well as a concrete solver from geometric vision.


著者 Wanting Xu,Lan Hu,Manolis C. Tsakiris,Laurent Kneip
発行日 2024-01-17 16:51:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク