Constrained Reweighting of Distributions: an Optimal Transport Approach


このフレームワークの多用途性は、統計タスクの中心となる最適化問題の副次的制約を満たすためにデータの再重み付けが保証される 3 つの異なるアプリケーションのコンテキストで実証されます。すなわち、ポートフォリオ割り当て、複雑な調査のためのセミパラメトリック推論、


We commonly encounter the problem of identifying an optimally weight adjusted version of the empirical distribution of observed data, adhering to predefined constraints on the weights. Such constraints often manifest as restrictions on the moments, tail behaviour, shapes, number of modes, etc., of the resulting weight adjusted empirical distribution. In this article, we substantially enhance the flexibility of such methodology by introducing a nonparametrically imbued distributional constraints on the weights, and developing a general framework leveraging the maximum entropy principle and tools from optimal transport. The key idea is to ensure that the maximum entropy weight adjusted empirical distribution of the observed data is close to a pre-specified probability distribution in terms of the optimal transport metric while allowing for subtle departures. The versatility of the framework is demonstrated in the context of three disparate applications where data re-weighting is warranted to satisfy side constraints on the optimization problem at the heart of the statistical task: namely, portfolio allocation, semi-parametric inference for complex surveys, and ensuring algorithmic fairness in machine learning algorithms.


著者 Abhisek Chakraborty,Anirban Bhattacharya,Debdeep Pati
発行日 2024-01-16 06:56:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク