Linguistic and Structural Basis of Engineering Design Knowledge


この記事では、33,881 件の特許文書の大規模なサンプルから、エンジニアリング設計の知識をナレッジ グラフとして説明します。
言語的基礎の観点からは、エンティティと関係は 64 および 24 の言語構文に一般化できることがわかります。
一方、関係は主に属性 (「の」)、構造 (「で」、「と」)、目的 (「へ」、「ため」)、階層 (「含む」)、例示 (「など」)、および動作をキャプチャします。
(‘to’、’from’)、75 の固有の構文を使用して階層関係を具体的に識別できます。
シーケンス [->…->]、集約 [->…<-]、および階層 [<-...] にさらに収束および単純化できる 4 つの 3 ノード パターンと 4 つの 4 ノード パターンを特定します。 ->]。


Artefact descriptions are the primary carriers of engineering design knowledge that is both an outcome and a driver of the design process. While an artefact could be described in different connotations, the design process requires a description to embody engineering design knowledge, which is expressed in the text through intricate placement of entities and relationships. As large-language models learn from all kinds of text merely as a sequence of characters/tokens, these are yet to generate text that embodies explicit engineering design facts. Existing ontological design theories are less likely to guide the large-language models whose applications are currently limited to ideation and learning purposes. In this article, we explicate engineering design knowledge as knowledge graphs from a large sample of 33,881 patent documents. We examine the constituents of these knowledge graphs to understand the linguistic and structural basis of engineering design knowledge. In terms of linguistic basis, we observe that entities and relationships could be generalised to 64 and 24 linguistic syntaxes. While relationships mainly capture attributes (‘of’), structure (‘in’, ‘with’), purpose (‘to’, ‘for’), hierarchy (‘include’), exemplification (‘such as’), and behaviour (‘to’, ‘from’), the hierarchical relationships could specifically be identified using 75 unique syntaxes. To understand the structural basis, we draw inspiration from various studies on biological/ecological networks and discover motifs from patent knowledge graphs. We identify four 3-node and four 4-node patterns that could further be converged and simplified into sequence [->…->], aggregation [->…<-], and hierarchy [<-...->]. Expected to guide large-language model based design tools, we propose few regulatory precepts for concretising abstract entities and relationships within subgraphs, while explicating hierarchical structures.


著者 L. Siddharth,Jianxi Luo
発行日 2024-01-16 13:35:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.DL, cs.IR パーマリンク