RotorTM: A Flexible Simulator for Aerial Transportation and Manipulation


低コストの自律型超小型航空機 (MAV) は、建設、荷物の配達、捜索救助など、環境との相互作用を必要とする複雑な作業を簡素化および高速化し、人間を助ける可能性を秘めています。
この論文では、完全なシステム ダイナミクス、計画、および制御アルゴリズムを備えた、さまざまなペイロードと受動的接続メカニズムを組み込んだ最初の航空輸送および操作シミュレーターを紹介します。
さらに、現実世界のシステムを厳密に模倣するために、ケーブルで吊り下げられた負荷を伴う空中システムの過渡ハイブリッド ダイナミクスを説明する新しい一般モデルが含まれています。


Low-cost autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) have the potential to help humans by simplifying and speeding up complex tasks that require their interaction with the environment, such as construction, package delivery, and search and rescue. These systems, composed of single or multiple vehicles, can be endowed with passive connection mechanisms such as rigid links or cables to perform transportation and manipulation tasks. However, they are inherently complex since they are often underactuated and evolve in nonlinear manifold configuration spaces. In addition, the complexity of systems with cable-suspended load is further increased by the hybrid dynamics depending on the cables’ varying tension conditions. This paper presents the first aerial transportation and manipulation simulator incorporating different payloads and passive connection mechanisms with full system dynamics, planning, and control algorithms. Furthermore, it includes a novel general model accounting for the transient hybrid dynamics for aerial systems with cable-suspended load to closely mimic real-world systems. The availability of a flexible and intuitive interface further contributes to its usability and versatility. Comparisons between simulations and real-world experiments with different vehicles’ configurations show the fidelity of the simulator results with respect to real-world settings. The experiments also show the simulator’s benefit for the rapid prototyping and transitioning of aerial transportation and manipulation systems to real-world deployment.


著者 Guanrui Li,Xinyang Liu,Giuseppe Loianno
発行日 2024-01-09 16:26:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク