‘Oh, Sorry, I Think I Interrupted You”: Designing Repair Strategies for Robotic Longitudinal Well-being Coaching


ロボットのミスに関するこれまでの調査は、ゲームまたはタスクベースの、1 回限りの研究室内での研究に限定されていました。
この論文では、現実世界の利害関係者の参加を得て、ロボットによる縦方向の健康コーチングのための修復戦略を設計するための 4 段階の設計プロセスを示します。1) 専門の健康コーチによる修復戦略の設計。
3) (2) の研究で得られたユーザーとの設計ワークショップで、ロボット コーチの修理戦略に関する意見を収集します。
4) (2) と (3) で得られた結果を精神的健康の専門家と話し合って、ロボット コーチングの修復戦略をどのように設計するかを検討します。


Robotic well-being coaches have been shown to successfully promote people’s mental well-being. To provide successful coaching, a robotic coach should have the capability to repair the mistakes it makes. Past investigations of robot mistakes are limited to game or task-based, one-off and in-lab studies. This paper presents a 4-phase design process to design repair strategies for robotic longitudinal well-being coaching with the involvement of real-world stakeholders: 1) designing repair strategies with a professional well-being coach; 2) a longitudinal study with the involvement of experienced users (i.e., who had already interacted with a robotic coach) to investigate the repair strategies defined in (1); 3) a design workshop with users from the study in (2) to gather their perspectives on the robotic coach’s repair strategies; 4) discussing the results obtained in (2) and (3) with the mental well-being professional to reflect on how to design repair strategies for robotic coaching. Our results show that users have different expectations for a robotic coach than a human coach, which influences how repair strategies should be designed. We show that different repair strategies (e.g., apologizing, explaining, or repairing empathically) are appropriate in different scenarios, and that preferences for repair strategies change during longitudinal interactions with the robotic coach.


著者 Minja Axelsson,Micol Spitale,Hatice Gunes
発行日 2024-01-08 10:23:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク